Modena: A City of Art, History, and Taste

My name is Yulia. By education, I am a medical professional; by profession, a children’s writer and editor; by calling, a passionate traveler. I love cycling and skiing—there’s no better way to clear my mind and feel the fullness of life. I enjoy traveling because it allows me to experience a full range of diverse emotions and sensations. I love photography—it’s one way to share emotions and showcase the beauty of the world. I also enjoy sharing impressions and helping people plan their trips—this makes me feel needed.

My main motto is: “We travel not to escape life, but so life doesn’t escape us.” With a great love for wandering and experience in organizing trips for myself and friends, I offer assistance in planning budget travel across Europe. You can learn more on my website

Arriving in Modena for just a few hours, getting lost in its narrow streets, and falling hopelessly in love with it — done! I had wanted to visit for a long time, but I didn’t expect much from the city. However, Modena knows how to surprise…

These ochre-colored walls and gray shutters are mesmerizing — such a harmonious combination of colors! And so joyful! It’s like an orange mood. As if you’ve dived into a pool of orange juice…

And the Cathedral! It’s not just about the fact that it’s included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Or even that it’s the only cathedral in Italy that has never been rebuilt since its foundation in 1099. It’s about the organ playing inside. Time stands still there. And in every wall, every corner, you’re greeted by true masterpieces of art…


On June 9, 1099, Modena embarked on a grand adventure. That day, the city laid the first stone of what would become the Modena Cathedral, a masterpiece of Romanesque art that still leaves people awestruck with its beauty and unique charm.

Legend has it that the choice of architect for this grand project was nothing short of miraculous. According to an old chronicle, the decision was guided by divine inspiration. The clergy and townsfolk turned to Lanfranco, a visionary who crafted an architecture so bold and innovative that it set the standard for Romanesque art in the years that followed.

The cathedral’s walls tell a story of history, too. The stone used in its construction wasn’t just any stone—it came from the ruins of ancient Roman Modena, known as Mutina. This clever reuse of materials added layers of history and continuity to the cathedral. Recent restoration work has revealed more about these ancient stones, proving that even centuries later, the past continues to speak through the building’s walls.

In a city full of historic wonders, the Modena Cathedral stands as a testament to architectural brilliance and a living piece of Modena’s storied past.

Over Piazza Grande, the sounds of live music float through the air. And the ancient lions gaze at you with wise eyes. How could they not be wise, with nearly a thousand years of history? Some might find these lions unattractive, but not me.

Walk, observe, breathe, and absorb… Then visit the market, which is also a local attraction. Buy a little seafood salad and some Caprese salad. And a bottle of champagne. Find a cozy corner, sit on the ancient stone steps, and enjoy your meal with champagne, letting your face bask in the spring sun (yes, I know, I know, it’s illegal in Italy, but sometimes you have to take risks…). Feel the quiet joy filling up every corner of your being, vibrating at the highest frequency—at the frequency of love and gratitude…

The final touch—admire the city from the bell tower. The ochre rooftops. The ant-like people below. And then hurry to the station through the echoing streets, keeping in your heart this day as one of the warmest and happiest…


Yuliya Kasparova
Yuliya Kasparova
My name is Yulia. By education, I am a medical professional; by profession, a children's writer and editor; by calling, a passionate traveler. I love cycling and skiing—there's no better way to clear my mind and feel the fullness of life. I enjoy traveling because it allows me to experience a full range of diverse emotions and sensations. I love photography—it's one way to share emotions and showcase the beauty of the world. I also enjoy sharing impressions and helping people plan their trips—this makes me feel needed. My main motto is: "We travel not to escape life, but so life doesn’t escape us." With a great love for wandering and experience in organizing trips for myself and friends, I offer assistance in planning budget travel across Europe. You can learn more on my website

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