Norway in 8 Days: Itinerary for Travelers

I really love creating travel itineraries. When I plan a trip, I get so deeply immersed in it that during the journey, I usually know every turn, every street, every landmark, and can share a lot about them. There’s a downside to this – the element of surprise is lost, but on the other hand, time is not wasted during the trip and money is saved. Good preparation allows me to get the most enjoyment out of the trip with minimal stress and financial costs.

Creating itineraries takes a lot of time and effort, so when I find high-quality and interesting ready-made itineraries, I want to grab them and save them like a precious treasure in my collection. I am always immensely grateful to people who share their knowledge and experiences. This time, I came across an extraordinary itinerary for Norway from Lara Iris, who seems to have traveled all over the world. Additionally, she takes stunning photographs and writes beautifully. You can learn more about her at

With her permission, I have placed her itinerary for Norway here in my collection.

So, the itinerary: Bergen – Hardangerfjord – Odda (Latefossen and Langfossen) – Eidfjord (Vøringfossen) – Stalheim – Aurlandsfjord, Nærøyfjord – Flåm – Nigardsbreen Glacier – Lustrafjord – Bergen

I traveled alone for 8 days/7 nights at the end of July when it’s warmer. I flew to Bergen and rented a car there. I must note that I have never spent so much money on a rental car in any other country I’ve visited. I chose the cheapest option. They only offer automatics; there are no manuals to choose from. For the week, it cost 787 € plus insurance and toll roads. I paid for the toll roads only after I returned when the rental car company sent me an invoice.

DAY 1:
I spent the first night in Bergen. I stayed in a wonderful hostel (single room with a private bathroom and toilet). The breakfasts were amazing (in fact, in all the Norwegian hotels I stayed at, the breakfasts were excellent).

I left the walk around Bergen for the last day, so in the evening, I just enjoyed the view of the city from above.

DAY 2:
On the second day, I left in the morning towards the town of Odda, as there are two famous waterfalls nearby: Latefossen and Langfossen. The 150 km drive took 3 hours, including a ferry ride. The route passed by another waterfall, Furebergsfossen, and Hardangerfjord. I spent the night in Odda.

DAY 3:
On the third day, I headed towards the Eidfjord fjord and another famous waterfall, Vøringsfossen. The road to it from Odda passes through the small Sorfjorden fjord. The views are stunning; it’s a pleasure to drive.

DAY 4:
I spent the night in the town of Eidfjord, and in the morning, I had an excursion to a not-so-well-known place among tourists, Kjeåsen. Purely for the sake of photos and the breathtaking view from the top of the fjord.

Next, I made my way to my next destination – the Stalheim Gorge. Here is a hotel with the same name where I stayed. This hotel is famous for its panoramic terrace, offering a breathtaking view of the valley (by the way, I had a room with the same view, so I highly recommend it).

DAY 5:
The fifth day was dedicated to the Aurlandsfjord with its viewpoints and the Nærøyfjord. I walked around the town of Gudvangen, from where excursion boats depart. After that, I headed to Flåm, where I had planned a panoramic train ride with a stop at the famous waterfall, Kjosfossen.

After a packed day, I still had ahead of me the road to the next hotel in Hafslo, from where I would depart in the morning to visit the glacier. The route passed through the world’s largest tunnel, which is considered an attraction in itself. While driving, I almost fell asleep.

DAY 6:
My main goal – the Nigardsbreen Glacier. The path from the parking lot is not close, but a short stretch is offered to be covered by boat. To say that the place is impressive is an understatement. The beauty takes your breath away.

On the same day, I toured another famous fjord, Lustrafjorden, reached Lake Eidsvatnet, and went a bit further up the Sognefjellsvegen road. The views from there are impressive.

DAY 7:
On the 7th day, I returned to Bergen. I decided to travel not through the tunnel but through the mountains, where there were still places with snow. I didn’t regret it, although it took longer.

In the evening, I walked around Bergen, took the funicular, watched the sunset over the city, and returned to the same hotel where I spent the first night.

As you can see, in just one week, I covered only a small part of Norway. The country is truly magical. I will come back here again and again; there is still so much I want to see. Norway is my forever love.

The trip cost breakdown is as follows:
Hotels – 726 €
Train to Flåm – 67 €
Gasoline – 120 €
Car rental with roads and insurance – 898 €
TOTAL excluding flight – 1811 €

P.S. I didn’t include meals in the calculation. I hardly ate at cafes as they were expensive. I had hearty breakfasts and food from supermarkets.
I tried to attach photos from almost all the places.

Photo Credit: Lara Iris. 

I'm someone who lives for adventure and discovering new places. I enjoy finding unique spots off the tourist path and making travel more affordable. Wherever I go, immersing myself in local life is my top priority, as it offers the most authentic and enriching travel experiences.

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